As part of the extension of the national sea center NAUSICAA, located in Boulogne-sur-Mer (France), ECOPLAGE implemented, in September 2017, an Enerplage system to supply seawater to the different aquariums of the center.


NAUSICAA ponds and aquariums were supplied by a network of fan-shaped drains located under the beach until now. The extension of the national center increased seawater needs in order to supply the ponds, and the network became insufficient. 


The 100m long Enerplage system, implementd in September 2017,  enables to collect enough seawater to meet the water needs of the national center. 


Installation :

  • 100m of drains
  • 1 collecting well
  • 1 pumping station in NAUSICAA center
  • 1 evacuation pipe to supply the aquariums